Bi-Weekly update for the BlacKrypto Masternode Pools. Sponsored by Black Soap Club - Making it Easy to Buy BLACK!
Key Stats
Initial Value of All Active Masternodes | $31,563.93 |
Current Value of Rewards Received from Active Masternodes (since 5/20/18) | $5,543.76 |
Cumulative ROI | 17.56% |
*Keep in mind, the USD returns are calculated at the US Dollar value of the coin at today's prices, but if you had been selling your rewards for BTC or USD, actual returns would be different
The MEDIC masternode started and ran smoothly all week last week, and we've started accepting shares for MCT and KYD, please do your research and let us know if you want to reserve any shares. All the other masternodes are running without issues as well.
We're still accepting deposits for BWK masternode #4, which is about 30% funded so far. BWK has been relatively stable since we launched the first node back in May, unlike most other masternode coins so we feel it will be one of the more relatively stable coins in our masternode portfolio and wanted to open another one up to people who missed out on the first 3.
We've switched our stance on AEG, and have decided to HODL and wait-and-see what happens after the reward reduction in September. At first glance this seems like a bad thing because each masternode will be receiving fewer coins, but in the long run, this should help improve the price performance by reducing new supply of coins (basic supply/demand economics). So we've switched back into buy mode to get any many masternodes as we can set up before the reward reduction and we're holding the coins in anticipation of a price increase. The number of total AEG masternodes has been increasing, which shows we're not the only ones thinking this way. There are plenty of AEG shares available if you want to join. However, it is a gamble, so DYOR and as always, never invest anything you're not willing to lose, especially in crypto, which is significantly more volatile than most asset classes.
Remember, the BLKS coin is now live and you can purchase and HODL as well as use them to buy masternode pool shares and BlacKrypto Society membership. Check the BLKS coin page for more info.
To vote on new coins, click here. For details on the masternodes that are currently funding and instructions on how to participate, CLICK HERE.